Frequently Asked Question
What happens with my account if I do not pay when the monthly payment s due?
Last Updated 3 years ago
Accounts are active for 30+5 days(we grant everyone 5 more active days, for free).
After 35 days the account become s inactive but still in the system.
After 45 inactive days, if the user is not contacting us,
either having payment issues or sometimes health or family problems,
the account is automatically removed, considering that,
if in 45 days the user did not contact us or did not pay, he or she,
might not want to continue the membership.
So the account is automatically removed after 45 inactive days.
If there is an account associated with the AIOP account,
we keep on the backup server the hosting account for another 3 months.
After 35 days the account become s inactive but still in the system.
After 45 inactive days, if the user is not contacting us,
either having payment issues or sometimes health or family problems,
the account is automatically removed, considering that,
if in 45 days the user did not contact us or did not pay, he or she,
might not want to continue the membership.
So the account is automatically removed after 45 inactive days.
If there is an account associated with the AIOP account,
we keep on the backup server the hosting account for another 3 months.